Selasa, 28 Agustus 2007

honey is the greates medicine in the world..

Honey upon which especial complement medicinize the herb

Herb drug relative more peaceful, economic and do not fail with the medical drug circulating in dispensary. Even, some doctor cut fine vegetables it to be assorted medicinize with the substance of the core important is honey.
Doctor of Adji Suranto, SpA opening practice at Hospital Usaha Insani, Depok always give the recipe medicinize the herb by making honey become the substance of the core important ' if your child get fever, effective recipe medicinize the herb is honey, turmeric and lime. This substance is drinked routinely to child,' he said. although its science bases is a west doctor, but its medication system join among traditional and medical. According to him one with other;dissimilar do not each other interfere in, so long as its usage order is real correct. Even with the this herb drug will very assistive medical medication for the healing of better
That honey own various content of vitamin of perfection required by human being body, honey is organic product yielded by The reason that it is not strange if use combine have in strarting since olden time. At that moment, combine to represent one of substance of mixture of food or beverage. In the reality, combine also useful for human being health. Use combine for the health is also strenghtened by sentence ofvarious holy book, like Alquran, Bible, Taurat, and Zabur.
Through research, this original honey contain a lot of mineral like natrium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Vitamin which is there are in honey [is] thiamin ( B1), riboflavin ( B2), sour [of] askorbat ( C), piridoksin ( B6), niasin, sour of pantotenat, biotin, folat acid, and Vitamin K.
important Medium Ezyme in honey is attache enzyme, invertase, glucose oksidase, peroksidase, and lipase. Ezim Attache is enzyme altering carbohydrate komplek ( polisakarida) become the simple carbohydrate ( monosakarida). Ezim Invertase is enzyme breaking molecule sukrosa become the glucose and fluktosa.
While enzyme oksidase is assistive enzyme oxidize the glucose become the peroxide acid. Ezim Peroksidase conduct the process oxidize the metabolism. All the Iihat vitamin good for process of body metabolism.
To get the high qualified and original honey and come from forest sumbawa. now you can buy in address: semolowaru Utara 2 No. 17 Surabaya 60119. telephone : 031-5937413/ 081330649459