Selasa, 31 Juli 2007

Bekam / Hijamah is the way for health

Cupping The Ancient Way of Healing

Bekam - Al-Hijamah

Hijamah Program 2007 - 2009

Hijamah For Arabian and Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Gulf States, Turkey etc.

New Book On Cupping Al-Hijamah

English & Malay version ( Dwi Language) 150 pages

By Prof Dr Nik OMar & Nik Badrul Hakim

On Sale Now , Price US$ 15.00 inluding postage

What is Cupping

Cupping is a method of treatment in which a jar is attached to the skin surface to caurse local congestion through the negative pressure created by introducting heat in the form of an ignited material. This type of treatment has been practise by the chinese and the Arab for thousand of years.

In Malay this practice is known as 'BEKAM' and in Arabic the called 'AL-HIJAMAH' while in China 'gua-sha'. In Arabic this method of therapy was popularised by our propet Muhammad S.A.W ( 570-635 )A.D as state in many Hadith.

The Saying of Prophet Muhammad saw

Rasullullah saw said," Jibrail alaisalam repeatedly emphasised upon me to resort to cupping to the extent that I feared that cupping will be made compulsary." - Jamul' Warsaii p.179.

Rasulullah saw praised a person who performs cupping, saying it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight (Jamul Warsaai p. 179. The above quoted al-Hadith are clear that cupping was practised by rasullulah saw himself and strongly recommended by him.

More Information About Other Courses - Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Malay Medicine, etc

Indication and Diseases responded by Cupping

The cupping method has the function of awrming and promoting the flow of energy in the blood thus dispelling cold dampness, toxic and winds. It is also diminishing swellings and pains.

Cupping responded very well with the following problems:-

Disease caused by dampness, such as low back pain, lumbago, scitica, pain in arms and shoulders, pain in the legs and muscular part of the body, stomachache, voting, headance, migraine, sprains, insomania, etc.

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